Email Marketing

Email Verification

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending a commercial message to a group of people, using email.

It’s kind of broadest sent to a mass audience.

The total number of worldwide email accounts was 4.1 billion at the start of 2018 and projected to reach up to 5+ billion by the end of 2022.

Email marketing can make the potential or existing customers aware of new products, services, offers, or any other event information.

It can be used to increase sales, build loyalty, trust, brand awareness and deliver important information, it can also be used to educate your audience on the value of your product/services or keep them engaged.

Why email marketing is important?

Email is a big part of our lives and 73% of email account owners are checking and sending emails daily.

By adding email marketing to marketing strategy you can double your revenue.

So if you want to remain in the competition of this digital world, then your company will need to start using email marketing to reach a larger audience to increase your sales.

Email marketing is the only method that helps you send personalized messages and automated messages based on your customer actions.


How it works

You can segment (categories) your subscribers or customers to ensure that the right contacts are getting the right information at the right times.

  • Cost-effective digital marketing medium
  • Highest ROIs
  • Personalize your messaging
  • Increasing product/service engagement
  • Automation (Action based messaging)
  • Traceable (Reporting)
  • Brand awareness
  • Retain existing customers
  • Reach to potential clients

Email marketing’s conversion rate, unbeatable ROI, and cost-effective nature make it the most powerful form of marketing.

Kuldeep Pawar

Kuldeep Pawar

Kuldeep is a passionate and determined entrepreneur, building internet products since 2015.
He is currently leading the marketing & product management team for Goletro Technologies.


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